What does 'Heave' mean when buying a property?

Find out what Heave means when you are buying a property. 'What does Heave mean?' plus over 150 other property related terms and jargon in plain English


Heave is when a property starts physically to rise and is commonly found in areas where the soil is predominantly clay. I long periods of wet weather the clay absorbs water and expands, forcing the property above it upwards.

It can also happen where a tree or trees that were draining the soil via their roots are cut down.

Note some properties have an annual cycle of heave and subsidence (they move up and down all the time) which does not affect them structurally in any way.

To find out more about what should and shouldn't concern you when buying a property pick up a copy of my ebook How to Really Buy a Property.

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How to Really Buy a Property

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"...It is extremely important to know that the surveyor is qualified to spot tell-tale signs but cannot actually or absolutely state that something is wrong. He may say, for example, that "the windows are in need of refurbishment and that a qualified contractor should assess the cost" or "there appear to be signs that the property is subsiding to the rear and a qualified structural engineer should survey the property to assess the extent of any movement". ..."
"... the tiling, flashings, parapets, rafters and chimney stacks. Structure - a structural engineer to make sure that there is no movement in the building beyond the normal amount expected and that none of the walls are bulging. Drainage - a specialist company that can place CCTV probes in the..."

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"... through the wall Bulging in the walls and one solution One of the walls has started to move out in one particular point even though there is no unusual movement below the property The unstable wall is tied with a steel rod to a more stable wall in order to stop..."
"... market was moving up. The vendor eventually became frustrated and withdrew the contract from Diane's solicitor. Five weeks later he sold the property at the asking price and the survey from the new buyer made no mention of the tree or any movement in the property. Diane ended up buying a..."

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